Cooking, loving and hating by a regular inebriate, master thesis-dodger, pseudo-foodie and all-round trouble maker.

Friday 5 July 2013

Things Flanders fails to 'get'

THE entire James Bond franchise. I am actually ashamed to admit this, mainly because of words like ‘icon’ and ‘pop culture’ but there you go. Admittedly, some lines are amazing as stand-alone items.


Anything ever written by Dan Brown.  Not compunction here. I don’t like facty fiction or religious theorising of any sort.


This guy LOVES Avatar!

Twilight. Oef.

iAnything. I currently have an iPhone and I thoroughly hate it.

Most sport. These usually involve balls and genetically blessed young men who are able to kick them.

Keeping reptiles as pets. I am terrified of reptiles.

Justin Bieber. *sigh*

Really really high heels. I just…I mean…it’s just...


People who use the word enormity to describe something big.

Push presents – they seem a little condescending to me. For those who don't know, push presents are gifts that husbands give their wives when they deliver a baby. Yay, gift grab!

50 Shades of Grey. I don’t get it. Why is it a thing?

People who never swear.


  1. I like reptiles - I appreciate their cool demeanor. I had the occasional wild garden snake when I was younger and my poor mother would convince me that they needed to be wild. :-)

    I really don't get 50 Shades of Grey. I am not fussy on women be submissive to men. :-)

  2. You are very brave! I always think people who keep snakes as pets but have zero fear! I have a long history with reptiles, and I am properly afraid of most of them.

    I am terrified of reptiles for three good reasons 1. when I was in primary school I spent a year at the coast of Richard's Bay, attending school there. Walking into the house from school the boundary wall was covered in creepers and in those creepers lived a large monitor lizard, who would hiss and rattle his spines (?) at me as I passed.

    2. the spitting ring-necked cobra is the prevalent snake species around the farm. Responsible for many animal deaths, and two wall eyes among my lot alone. Our vet is currently treating our latest victim Masudik, who had a wall-eye beforehand so luckily he had very little sight in the eye to begin with. Rocky however lost significant sight in one eye earlier this year. So they are quite aggressive, for no real reason.

    3. Boomslang, so common so cute and docile looking, so so deadly. Deceptive bloody boomslang! LOL!

    Ooooh and 50 Shades now has an accompanying CD filled with classical music! That fits right in to our old saying: al dra 'n aap 'n goue ring bly hy nogsteeds 'n lelike ding OR a monkey wearing a golden ring is still a very ugly thing. Basically meaning you can't dress something up to look like something it isn't. Poor Debussy, he would have reconsidered his career choice had he known his music would become part of a soundtrack for naughty housewives! LOL - imagine that?
