Cooking, loving and hating by a regular inebriate, master thesis-dodger, pseudo-foodie and all-round trouble maker.

Saturday 10 March 2012

Love+horses and hounds (for Wolfie)

The new water hole, everyone had a taste.
Featured here from left to right: Bishop TB gelding, Zita Shar Pei, Nova rescue pony. Front: Adolf Rotti x and Seamus (who we think is a wolfhound x) rescued from SPCA.

Bishop dug that hole - it took him a while but he did it. When he was done Nova and the dogs came to sample the fresh water, the fruit of his labour. We let him go at it - he was having an absolute blast though working eerily meticulously for a horse. Also he was covered in mud head to toe afterwards and our brave photographer, Tristan, had his fair share of the muddy fallout flecked all over him too.

I'll get it done.
A note about Nova: she has grown out now, and isn't as tiny as in the photo. She was standing with her mom, and her asking price was about US$80 - well below meat value. She is as cheeky as she is smart, and possibly the most curios filly we ever had on the farm - she would come say 'hello' at night when we went out with the flash-light to check-in on everyone one last time before we go to bed. We'll have to move her on - as no one is small enough to bring her on for riding safely, but we'll do in-hand work with her first when she has grown some more. Hopefully she'll make one lucky child a happy person.

Do something for your friends - like Bishop. You won't regret it.


  1. Thanks for this! You know you are lucky, right? Horses, dogs, green space, cooking.... Your dogs are lovely!! My girlfriend's Rotti's are big snuggly couch potatoes. That splashing picture is great! So nice to get to know you better.

    I grew up with big dogs (Newfoundlands) and small (spaniels, terriers). If we had the space and time, I would definitely have a big dog. Over the last 25 years, we have had terriers (3 at a time) - Cairn, Australian Silky, JR/Shih Tzu, Yorkie, Maltese-mix. My old girl passed away a few years ago at 17+ years.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Heya Wolfie, glad you liked it! I loved your horses and hounds post and thought you'd like to see this.

    Sho! Terriers are hard work. I work in the city during the week and weekend is farm time, I get Mondays off too - I am lucky, you're right! My mom picked up a stray who was skinny and living under cars in a really dodgy part of town that looks like a Border Collie crossed with a Jackieroo (Jack Russel)about a year and a half ago. He has just decided that I am his person, all the other people are rubbish and there for him to bark at. He comes in to work with me, and no amount of me saying 'yes, but you are not my dog' has helped.

    That Rotti x was saved in 2007, him and his sister where 'given' to me in a filthy cardboard box. He is a total house dog, and his sis too. They were removed from their mom way too early and they have separation anxiety. As a rule, they go where I go. Seamus and Zita are happy to play on the farm and they don't travel too well. They go gallivanting over the whole place, but Adolf and his sister are glued to my side at all times. Alternatively they are on my bed, especially when it isn't being used by lousy humans. Seamus (or Seamie Baby or Shameless when he misbehaves) was in a kennel at the SPCA where we helped with a horse and went out on horse-related inspections to help out. He used to howl and howl when he heard our voices because we always went round to say 'hi' to everyone. He has a keen ear and after a while started howling the minute we parked our car - much to the dismay of the receptionist, he does make quite a racket. When his time ran out it was a no-brainer, I signed the papers and took him home the same day. He is a bit of a wild thing but he enjoys people company too. He loves playing nursemaid to other animals, especially young cats (strange heh?).

    I am relaxing all weekend - hibernating! Hope you have a fabulous one too.
