Cooking, loving and hating by a regular inebriate, master thesis-dodger, pseudo-foodie and all-round trouble maker.

Tuesday 8 November 2011


We recently took a short trip to the beach and took my savages along. My two dogs are not ocean-going mammals, but they happily spend hours idling on the beach or running up and down along the shore. Seeing them speeding up and down the beach and then flop down exhausted after the required amount of fidgeting was excellent. Good dogs. 

 Happy hound

The holiday as a whole was one of those typical ones though: not as much as you had bargained for. This is one of the dangers of looking forward to something too much.

By the last day of holiday, I was startled by a troop of monkeys (I say startled, I was down-right afraid, ran into the house screaming and slapping shut windows and doors) and felt the overwhelming urge to google information on coelacanths on my smart phone all morning (safely tucked away from the monkey panic). I guess that is the point where you just know the holiday has lost its charm.

I did get some cooking done though. I made lasagne, which is something because I am over making lasagne, but it turned out great. Cooking for mates is utter bliss. I made brownies (served with an obligatory side of vanilla ice cream) and my luscious chicken and bacon penne in cream too - and if that sounds like something you would refer to as generous (in a derogatory sense), you are right. It is sheer gluttony.

 Yummy lasagne

So it wasn’t a total waste: lasagne, dogs, beaching, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, and a near-drowning which I am on the cusp of finding hilarious... but we shall give that more time. I am fairly sure that pretty soon it will become one of those hilarious ‘I got thrown in jail for drinking in public’ anecdotes. Just like good steaks, we need to give these things time to marinade.

Live life, you won’t regret it.

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